Say Hello to Our Brand New Brand
July 1, 2020
Say Hello to Our Brand New Brand
The past few months have been crazy. They still are.
Covid-19’s new reality brought with it a lot of tensions and unknowns.
Yet, paradoxically, it also brought an unexpected peace of mind. Sort of a surprising refreshment.
While things slowed down, they gave us the headspace to focus. To rethink.
Rethink the way we live, the way we work, the way we want to plan our future.
Most importantly, it brought us to rethink who we are and what makes us fall in love with what we do each and every day.
For a while now we have had thoughts about refining our brand.
We’ve grown-up and FEEL more mature and established. Yet the way we LOOK from outside is so 2014 – far from the way we perceive ourselves these days.
It started with the logo. As you know, the logo encapsulates the brand’s core values, feel, and personality.
As we grew to develop a more mature style, and were looking for new projects, it was obvious that our old logo was a bit childish. It was fun and cute, yet it didn’t convey any maturity or ‘premium’ feel.
After lots of research and testing of different directions, we settled for our new logo – clean, minimal and mature.
The big C represents our core values and also resembles the look of an Igloo.
The dominant yellow color represent warmth (that’s what you’re looking for in an igloo…)
While the old logo conveyed cuteness, the new logo represents maturity.
After nailing the logo, we dived deeper into tackling the question – what’s Igloo all about?
The answers came in the form of this rebrand.
So, what’s new?
The new Igloo is solid, the way an Igloo should be (when you build a house in the North Pole, it better be stable). Yet, it’s also playful – the way we are.
We can be serious, but we can also laugh about it.
The new Igloo is colorful, yet not too heavy on the eye.
We strive to stand out with a good, precise story, rather than a loud yell.
The new Igloo is a partner.
We see our clients as friends with whom we go on a journey together. It’s all about the communication, the dialogue. Asking questions that leads to new questions.
As for our values and what we stand for, our force is in the four Cs:
Communication – It all starts with being human. The ability to communicate properly (both artistically and managerially) is no less important than being talented or creating beautiful stuff. If the process is laggy – it’s a problem.
Curiosity – Every business, whether it’s the coolest start-up around, or an accountancy firm, can be exciting. You just need to ask the right questions in order to reveal a great story.
That’s exactly what we do. We look for the best angles to tell your business’ story.
Creativity – Once we’ve established our relationship and asked the right question, the sky’s the limit. Our creative juices are always on the flow, and won’t stop until we find this killer creative direction.
Common Sense – A lot of people tend to underestimate it, but we take it extremely seriously. Common sense is what leads us through every decision we make – as a company, and as individuals. It’s what we search for in every Eskimo who wants to join our Igloo. We look for thinkers. For people who do things for a reason. For people who find problems, but seek the solutions.
The four Cs – Communication, Common Sense, Creativity, Curiosity
So that’s the new ‘us’ in a nutshell – stronger, better, faster.
And if you’ve got the four Cs and are looking for an Igloo to join – you’re most welcome to reach out to us!